The fast rate of modern life leaves many of us to regularly deal with anxiety and stress—two huge contributing factors for all types of emotional and physical health issues as well as the inability to get a good sleep. Sleeping illness, i.e. Insomnia can be very difficult to treat, and those who suffer with it are often eager to try just about anything. But, you might not have to look on your yoga mat! Among many people if you are one who have facing difficulty in sleeping, practicing a bit of yoga or meditation for sleep might be just what you need to add some charm back into your sleep.
According to the survey in 2017 found that, approx. 50% of Americans suffering from sleeping disorder. Out of those only 29.8% are use mind-body medicine such as meditation and yoga to manage their sleep problems. Another study found that yoga can helps to progress lower stress levels and sleep during pregnancy.
Attending an evening yoga class is the best way to relax your nervous system right before bed, mainly if you choose a less dynamic yoga style like yoga nidra, restorative or gentle yoga or yin.
On the other hand, if you are a beginner or short on time who feels nervous about going to a class, there are several simple ways that you can incorporate meditation, yoga, and mindful breathing into your night routine and progress your sleep hygiene right from home.
People who meditate regularly feel that the practice has positive health effects such as calm your mind and improve energy level. But there is also initial research suggests that meditation may boost melatonin levels, a hormone that helps regulate sleep and appears to control other hormones in the body.
Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. Meditation before going to bed increased melatonin levels for that night. If participants did not meditate then there are no increases in blood melatonin levels on nights. Meditation techniques are used to direct energy flow through seven energy centers in the body, and carefully suppress or activate their associated glands. The pineal gland related to a chakra situated at the top of the head and is believed to influence happiness. This suggests that regular practice of meditation is necessary.
Here are some tips that creating good situation for healthy sleep:
Just five minutes spent guiding your concentration to your breath can help you relax after a busy day. Remember, it is normal for your thoughts to run wild.
Practice Yin Yoga
Yin yoga, in which you stay in each pose for several breaths or even minutes at a time, can actually help to down regulate the nervous system and bring you into a state of peaceful before bed. Try wall-supported butterfly, legs-up-the-wall, and child’s pose, and then end with Shavasana in bed!
Try the 4-7-8 Breathing Technique
Inhale for a count of four, hold the breath for a count of seven, and exhale for a count of eight. Extending the exhale helps you to tap into the parasympathetic nervous system, and concentrating on the breath is a great distraction from over thinking and late night worries.
Turn Off Your Screens
Stop using mobile phone and laptop one hour before you plan to go to sleep. The blue light emitted from this device increases the release of cortisol, which stimulates you and decreases your production of sleep hormone.
Be Consistent
Try to fix a bedtime and wake up around the same time daily. This helps to maintain the body’s internal clock, helping you go to sleep and wake up more easily.
We already know how yoga can be helpful for improving strength, mood and flexibility, and as these studies show, it offers a great relief for those with face difficulty in sleeping. Not only yoga can help you to fall asleep more easily, but it can also progress the overall quality of your sleep as well as your ability to deal with stress and recover from tiredness.
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